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Raguel; Archangel of Justice, Harmony, and Order.


The fourth member of the Quad of Archangels.


Twin brother of the third archangel Rafael though nobody is sure neither how this can be nor how it happened.


Heard the case of the nephilim from Enoch and delivered the Creator's later judgement.


Strange rumours exist as to his and Rafael's 'connection'. It is said that, together, they are even able to hear the Thoughts of the Creator!


Can actually see perfectly fine with or without his blindfold.


Has a rather dry and flinty sense of humour knows to very few.

Archangel Raguel

The fourth of the Archangelic Quad, Raguel is the angel of Justice, Harmony, and Order. 


It is widely believed that all of the angels, especially the archangels are brothers as they were simply made in the Beginning by the Creator. They are right yet they are also wrong. Firstly, angels are creatures of pure spirit and are, therefore, completely without gender. Secondly, the manner and order in which the Creator brought the different Choirs or ranks of angels into being makes them closer to cousins than siblings if such a simplistic classification can be applied.


He is a solitary, serious, and taciturn being; much like Michael in his manner, though far more considered and measured in his approach. Raguel can end an argument with few words or many but he does it without fail whenever he is present at such an event. 


As the angel of Justice, he is expected to be steadfast and balanced. He is expected to be even and constant. He was the one who heard Enoch's pleas for the nephilim and it was he who carried the Creator's Answer to the terrified prophet. He gladly demurred to Michael when it came time to hand down that judgment for he abhors violence, preferring negotiation.


When they think they are alone, the brothers will talk together about matters they have studied with their unique yet still combined viewpoints. Raguel whispers that he thinks the Creator had quite a bit of Lucifer left over "on his Hands" when he made Michael; there is a rage, a pleasure from violence to him which is hauntingly familiar


Michael has already heard and is, deep inside his heart, afraid that they might be right. He has never forgotten that moment over Atlantis when he wavered. he just did not realise that Raguel was watching. 


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Alan J. Fisher; Writer and Poet

© Alan J. Fisher and Chronicles of Enoch 2020
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