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Kolya - The Chronicles of Enoch

Duke Nikolai Gryáznyköt III of Ekaterinaberg Castle, modern St. Petersberg, Russian Federation.


Cat of rabbi Tav Pachowski and Mrs. Leibwicz.

Possessed of what his friend Mr. Hobbs call an 'eicatic memory' or Feline Holographic Stimulus  Recollection (FHoStR or 'Foster'). Can replay any musical performacne he has seen or heard. 

Disappeared the night of Lorasta's exorcism.

Mr. Kolya
(Duke Nikolai Gryaznykot III)

Mr Kolya, otherwise known as chatul or gedovcat! depending on who you ask. If you ask Mr. Kolya himself, or perhaps his good friend Mr. Hobbs, then you will learn his full name; Duke Nikolai Gryáznyköt III of  the Ekaterinaberg Gryáznyköt's. 

The Russian Blue Royal family in exile has spread up the East Coast of the United states in the fifteen generations since it arrived in New York. Mr. Kolya is from a relatively minor branch of the family, descended from the aunt of an aunt, cousins of cousins of cousins to the great and late Tsarina Ekaterina Fluffytail-Gryáznyköt I. Mr. Kolya is, as minorly important people often are, quite the snob and very talkative about his past glories. Mr. Hobbs either humours or genuinely supports his friend. However, this feline's opinion is often thrown into doubt by both his lack of a permanent residence and his allegedly heavy nip habit. It is unknown whether Mr. Koyla was ever known to 'chase the canary' with this individual or not and whether this had anything to do with his abrupt and sudden disappearance.

Most cats possess an impressive aural memory but Mr. Kolya was a bit of a prodigy in that he could replay any song he had every heard in his memory exactly as if he were listening to a common recording. He was known to occasionally be caught out keeping time to his internal concert in public; something which only added to the great many  scandalous nipping rumours . British 70's band The Rolling Stones were one of his favourites. Mr. Hobbs joked when interviewed that "old Kolya though of  himself as a bit of a feline Mick Jagger..."

Mr. Hobbs did mention also that he and Mr. Koyla had made arrangements to meet the night the latter disappeared but Mr. Kolya never showed up.

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Alan J. Fisher; Writer and Poet

© Alan J. Fisher and Chronicles of Enoch 2020
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