The Chosen

Ida Leibwicz is a Holocaust survivor who escaped the same train as Rabbi Pachowski thanks to the intervention of Gershom Schulmann.
Lived for many years unmarried in the United States before volunteering as the rabbi's housekeeper.
Has a legion of great-nieces and nephews though few visit these days.
Gifted with a calm and penetrating insight.
Mrs. Ida Leibwicz
Mrs. Liebwicz has been the rabbi's housekeeper for a great number of years and has been quietly ignoring the scandal of two unmarried people living together for almost as long. She will, if she comments at all, say "I've been too old for all of that longer than you've been alive" with the kind of smile that will make you reconsider your thoughts.
She will then likely off you some tea and cookies because she likes to see people looked after.
An extremely strong woman, Mrs. Liebwicz witnesses the death of her best friend in the Warsaw ghettos at the hands of a collaborator and was saved, curiously enough, by Gershom Schulmann, who lived there also. She will tell you that, at her current age, she is afraid of no-one or no thing except the memory of the look in young Gershom's eyes as he stared down the barrel of a capo's gun.
She has worked closely with the rabbi in his more unofficial capacity and is quite familiar with his surveillance of "persons of interest" including Gershom Schulmann; who evidence points to having not aged a day since he and she last met.
Many people ask how she can be a "Mrs" when she never married and she will give them one her trademark Looks which richly deserve that capital letter and they will wonder about the kind of person who'd ask a question like that.
She has a very interesting way of both thinking the best of people and making them try to think the best of themselves.